The total number of boxes landed during the week was 4331 from 15 vessels, of which 3528 consigned from 12 vessels. There were 803 boxes through the market from 3 vessels.
The following vessels berthed during the week:
11/01/2020 The “CES Cosmos” arrived in port from Inverness, to load timber. She sailed on the same day.
11/01/2020 The “ENS Ugandi” arrived in port from Kyle of Lochalsh, for fuel bunkers. She sailed on the same day.
11/01/2020 The “Forth Warrior” arrived in port from Invergordon, due to weather. She sailed on the 16/01/2020.
14/01/2020 The “Antares” arrived in port from Scapa Flow, to discharge fuel. She sailed on the 15/01/2020.
14/01/2020 The “ CEG Cosmos” arrived in port from Inverness, to load timber. She sailed on the 15/01/2020.
15/01/2020 The “SMN Explorer” arrived in port from Hull, to load timber. She sailed on 16/01/2020.
16/01/2020 The “ Vantage” arrived in port from Runavik, to unload fish in containers. She sailed on the same day.