The total number of boxes landed during the week was 10442 from 20 vessels, of which 7996 consigned from 14 vessels. There were 2446 boxes through the market from 6 vessels.
The following vessels berthed during the week:
16/11/2019 The “NS Iona” arrived in port from UKCS, oil related cargo. She sailed the same day.
16/11/2019 The ” Ens Sakala”, arrived in port from Kyle of Lochalsh, Estonia Warship Bunkers. She sailed the same day.
16/11/2019 The “Hvitanes” arrived in port from Hirtshals, to test Ro Ro vessel. She sailed the same day
19/11/2019 The “Antares” arrived in port from Invergordon, fuel related. She sailed the same day
19/11/2019 The “Vantage” arrived in port from Runavik, unload fish cargo. She sailed the same day
19/11/2019 The ”CEG Galaxy” arrived in port from Workington, Timber related. She sailed on the 20/11/2019