The total number of boxes landed during the week was 4531 from 13 vessels, of which 3937 consigned from 9 vessels. There were 594 boxes through the market from 4 vessels.
The following vessels berthed during the week:
24/11/2019 The “Lady Ariane” arrived in port from Inverness, to load logs. She sailed the same on 27/11/2019.
25/11/2019 The ” C-Odessey”, arrived in port from Dunnet Bay, Pipe work related. She sailed the same day.
25/11/2019 The “CEG Galaxy” arrived in port from Workington, to load logs. She sailed on the 29/11/2019.
25/11/2019 The “ Uskmoor” arrived in port from Dunnet Bay, Pipe work related.
26/11/2019 The “Vantage” arrived in port from Runavik, unload fish cargo. She sailed on the 27/11/2019.
26/11/2019 The ”Antares” arrived in port from Immingham, fuel bunkering. She sailed on the 29/11/2019.
27/11/2019 The “NS Iona” arrived in port from UKCS, oil related cargo. She sailed on 28/11/2019.
28/11/2019 The “IMI” arrived in port from Reykjavik, fuel bunkering. She sailed on same day.