The total number of boxes landed during the week was 4,045 from 11 vessels, of which 3,005 were consigned from 6 vessels of which 700 boxes were from 1 Faroes boat. There were 1,040 boxes through the market from 5 vessels.
The following vessels also berthed during the week:
06/05/2016 The “Bjarni Saemundsson” arrived in Port from Reykjavik to put one crew member ashore.
09/05/2016 The “Whalsa Lass” arrived in Port from Wick to load towing wire on the Siem Sapphire for Wester pipeline.
10/05/2016 The “Lomur” arrived in Port from Runavik to discharge her weekly fish cargo.
12/05/2016 The “Siem Sapphire” arrived in Port from Bergen to load oil related equipment.
12/05/2016 The “Siem Opal” arrived in Port from Bergen to load oil related equipment.
12/05/2016 The “BB Worker” arrived in Port from Stavanger to load oil related cargo.
12/05/2016 The “Edda Frende” arrived in Port from West of Shetland to load water and Barite. She left Port the same day sailing to the UKCS.
12/05/2016 The “Round Britain Experience” arrived in Port from Kinlochbervie to change skipper.