The total number of boxes landed during the week were 6,188 from 15 vessels, of which 3,820 were consigned from 6 vessels. There were 2,368 boxes through the market from 9 vessels.
The following vessels berthed during the week:
24/04/2018 The “Blikur” arrived in Port from Runavik with her usual fish cargo.
25/04/2018 The “Ievoli Black” arrived in Port from Lochinver to bunker fuel.
25/04/2018 The “C Odyssey” arrived in Port from Stromness to unload stone mats for the Q E Pier scouring works.
26/04/2018 The “C Odyssey” arrived in Port from Stromness to unload further stone mats for the Q E Pier scouring works.