The total number of boxes landed during the week was 5170 from 15 vessels, of which 4769 consigned from 12 vessels. There were 401 boxes through the market from 3 vessels.
The following vessels berthed during the week:
18/07/2020 The “Hvitanes” arrived in port from Torshavn to discharge fish cargo.
19/07/2020 The “Migdale” arrived in port for a crew change. She sailed the same day.
21/07/2020 The “Vantage” arrived in port from Torshavn , to discharge fish cargo. She sailed on the same day.
23/07/2020 Dina Star berthed. The vessel is providing renewable support. She sailed for Faroe Islands today.
23/07/2020 Tanker Antares made her usual call to discharge fuel. Sailed the same afternoon.