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Weekly Update 18 September 2020 18/9/2020Scrabster Harbour

The total number of boxes landed during the week was 4700 from 14 vessels, of which 3661 consigned from 10 vessels. There were 1039 boxes through the market from 4 vessels. The following vessels berthed during the week: 12/09/2020      The “Aqua Gripfisk” arrived in port from Lerwick, due to weather she sailed on the 13/09/2020. […]

The total number of boxes landed during the week was 4700 from 14 vessels, of which 3661 consigned from 10 vessels. There were 1039 boxes through the market from 4 vessels.

The following vessels berthed during the week:

12/09/2020      The “Aqua Gripfisk” arrived in port from Lerwick, due to weather she sailed on the 13/09/2020.

12/09/2020      The “Eystnes” arrived in port from Torshavn with fish cargo.  She sailed the same on 13/09/2020.

13/09/2020      The “CEG Galaxy” arrived in port from Corpach, to load timber.  She sailed same on 14/09/2020.

14/09/2020      The “EDT Hercules” arrived in port, for cable work in Pentland Firth.  She sailed on 15/09/2020.

15/09/2020      Sir John Murray arrived in port from Fraserburgh, SEPA.  She sailed on 16/09/2020.

15/09/2020      The “Vantage” arrived in port from Torshavn, with fish cargo.  She sailed the same.

16/09/2020      The “Antares” arrived in port from Immingham for fuel bunkers. She sailed the same day.

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Weekly Update 11 September 2020 11/9/2020Scrabster Harbour

The total number of boxes landed during the week was 2930 from 10 vessels, of which 2267 consigned from 7 vessels. There were 663 boxes through the market from 3 vessels. The following vessels berthed during the week: 05/09/2020      The “Antares” arrived in port from Immingham for fuel bunkers. She sailed the same on 06/09/2020. […]

The total number of boxes landed during the week was 2930 from 10 vessels, of which 2267 consigned from 7 vessels. There were 663 boxes through the market from 3 vessels.

The following vessels berthed during the week:

05/09/2020      The “Antares” arrived in port from Immingham for fuel bunkers. She sailed the same on 06/09/2020.

05/09/2020      The “Hvitanes” arrived in port from Torshavn with fish cargo.  She sailed the same day.

08/09/2020      The “Vantage” arrived in port from Torshavn, with fish cargo.  She sailed the same.

08/09/2020      The “TJonger” arrived in port from Moerdijk, with piles for the Ola Project.  She sailed on the 10/09/2020.

09/09/2020      The “Atlantic Trojan” arrived in port to unload stone bags.

10/09/2020      The “CEG Cosmos” arrived in port from Invergordon, to load timber.  She sailed same day.

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Weekly Update 4 September 2020 4/9/2020Scrabster Harbour

The total number of boxes landed during the week was 4144 from 12 vessels, of which 3494 consigned from 8 vessels. There were 650 boxes through the market from 4 vessels. The following vessels berthed during the week: 28/08/2020      The “Eystnes” arrived in port from Torshavn with fish cargo. She sailed the same day. 31/08/2020      […]

The total number of boxes landed during the week was 4144 from 12 vessels, of which 3494 consigned from 8 vessels. There were 650 boxes through the market from 4 vessels.

The following vessels berthed during the week:

28/08/2020      The “Eystnes” arrived in port from Torshavn with fish cargo. She sailed the same day.

31/08/2020      The “Atlantic Trojan” arrived in port from Teesport to load stone bags.  She sailed the same day.

01/09/2020      The “Vantage” arrived in port from Torshavn, with fish cargo.  She sailed the same day.

03/09/2020      The “Uskmoor”, arrived in port from Stromness, she is working on the SEC cable from Murkle to Orkney.

03/09/2020      The Atlantic Trojan”, arrived in port to collect stone bags.

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Weekly Update 28th August 2020 28/8/2020Scrabster Harbour

The total number of boxes landed during the week was 2033 from 8 vessels, of which 1663 consigned from 6 vessels. There were 370 boxes through the market from 2 vessels. The following vessels berthed during the week: 22/08/2020      The “Hvitanes” arrived in port from Torshavn, to discharge fish cargo. She sailed same day. 23/08/2020      […]

The total number of boxes landed during the week was 2033 from 8 vessels, of which 1663 consigned from 6 vessels. There were 370 boxes through the market from 2 vessels.

The following vessels berthed during the week:

22/08/2020      The “Hvitanes” arrived in port from Torshavn, to discharge fish cargo. She sailed same day.

23/08/2020      The “Normand Subsea” arrived in port from UKCS, Westcoast, oil related.   She sailed on the same day.

24/08/2020      The “CEG Orbit” arrived in port from Inverness to collect timber.  She sailed the same.

25/08/2020      The “Vantage” arrived in port from Torshavn, with fish cargo.  She sailed the same day.

27/08/2020      The “Forth Trojan” arrived in port from Burntisland to deliver piling barge.  She sailed on the 28/08/2020.

27/08/2020      “Sir John Murray” arrived in port from Dunstaffnage, to carry out research work.  She sailed on 28/08/2020.

26/08/2020      The “CEG Galaxy” arrived in port from Wicklow, to collect timber.  She sailed the same day.

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Weekly Update 21 August 2020 21/8/2020Scrabster Harbour

The total number of boxes landed during the week was 3862 from 13 vessels, of which 3037 consigned from 9 vessels. There were 825 boxes through the market from 4 vessels. The following vessels berthed during the week: 15/08/2020      The “Global Symphony” arrived in port to load Rock Bags. She sailed same. 15/08/2020      The “Fourth […]

The total number of boxes landed during the week was 3862 from 13 vessels, of which 3037 consigned from 9 vessels. There were 825 boxes through the market from 4 vessels.

The following vessels berthed during the week:

15/08/2020      The “Global Symphony” arrived in port to load Rock Bags. She sailed same.

15/08/2020      The “Fourth Jouster” arrived in port from Burntisland, Westcoast, for fuel bunkering.   She sailed on the 17/08/2020.

15/08/2020      The “Eystnes” arrived in port to discharge fish cargo.  She sailed the same day.

17/08/2020      The “Global Symphony”, arrived in port to load Rock Bags. She sailed same day.

18/08/2020      The “Vantage” arrived in port from Torshavn, with fish cargo.  She sailed the same day.

21/08/2020      The “CEG Orbit” arrived in port from Lochinver to load timber.

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Weekly Update 14th August 2020 17/8/2020Scrabster Harbour

The total number of boxes landed during the week was 4583 from 13 vessels, of which 3751 consigned from 8 vessels. There were 832 boxes through the market from 5 vessels. The following vessels berthed during the week: 08/08/2020      The ”Hvitanes” arrived in port from Torshavn, with fish cargo. She sailed the same day 09/08/2020      […]

The total number of boxes landed during the week was 4583 from 13 vessels, of which 3751 consigned from 8 vessels. There were 832 boxes through the market from 5 vessels.

The following vessels berthed during the week:

08/08/2020      The ”Hvitanes” arrived in port from Torshavn, with fish cargo. She sailed the same day

09/08/2020      The “Amadeus Gold” arrived in port from Moerdijk with piles for the Ola Project.  She sailed on the 10/08/2020

11/08/2020      The “CEG Galaxy”  arrived in port from Inverness for timber.  She sailed the same day.

11/08/2020      The “Vantage” arrived in port from Torshavn, with fish cargo.  She sailed the same day.

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Weekly Update 7th August 2020 7/8/2020Scrabster Harbour

The total number of boxes landed during the week was 1535 from 10 vessels, of which 983 consigned from 5 vessels. There were 552 boxes through the market from 5 vessels. The following vessels berthed during the week:   04/08/2020      The CEG Cosmos” arrived in port from Stornoway, to load timber.  She sailed the same […]

The total number of boxes landed during the week was 1535 from 10 vessels, of which 983 consigned from 5 vessels. There were 552 boxes through the market from 5 vessels.

The following vessels berthed during the week:


04/08/2020      The CEG Cosmos” arrived in port from Stornoway, to load timber.  She sailed the same day.

04/08/2020      The “Vantage” arrived in port from Torshavn, with fish cargo. She sailed same day.

07/08/2020      The”Wilson Lista! Arrived in port from Moerdijsk (NL), to unload Piles for the Ola Project.



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Weekly Update 31 July 2020 31/7/2020Scrabster Harbour

The total number of boxes landed during the week was 5219 from 17 vessels, of which 4086 consigned from 11 vessels. There were 1133 boxes through the market from 6 vessels. The following vessels berthed during the week:   28/07/2020      The “Marsala” arrived in port from Toft, for fuel and crew change.  She sailed next […]

The total number of boxes landed during the week was 5219 from 17 vessels, of which 4086 consigned from 11 vessels. There were 1133 boxes through the market from 6 vessels.

The following vessels berthed during the week:


28/07/2020      The “Marsala” arrived in port from Toft, for fuel and crew change.  She sailed next day.

28/07/2020      The “Vantage” arrived in port from Torshavn, with fish cargo. She sailed same day.

30/07/2020      The “Dina Star” arrived in port from Vestmanhavn, to unload subsea equipment. She sailed same day.

30/07/2020      The “Antares” arrived in port from Immingham, to unload oil cargo.


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