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Fish Prices

This page contains the latest fish prices for fish selling through Scrabster Fishmarket. The prices will be updated regularly. All prices are per kg. The prices shown are those that are correct at the time they are entered.

Fishmarket: Fish Prices for 15/07/2024

Number of boxes to market              290
Number of boxes for week:
Vessels Which Landed Adventurer INS8


Species Number of Boxes Bottom Price (per KG) Top Price (per KG)
Cod 128 3.25 4.15
Haddock 7 2.22 3.51
Whiting 3 1.65 1.67
Saithe 51 1.06 1.82
Megrims 23 1.71 4.17
Monkfish 46 3.24 4.84
Hake 2 2.50 5.71
Ling 27 1.91
Skate & Rays 1 2.00
John Dory 1 12.78
Turbot 1 16.67