The total number of boxes landed during the week was 5231 from 12 vessels, of which 4207 consigned from 9 vessels. There were 1024 boxes through the market from 3 vessel.
The following vessels berthed during the week:
04/08/2023 The “Antares” arrived in port from Dundee with fuel for depot. She sailed on 05.08.2023.
07/08/2023 The “Thalassa” arrived in port from Kirkwall on voyage to Scapa flow. She sailed on 09.08.2023.
07/08/2023 The “Edda Ferd” arrived in port from U.K.C.S with oil related cargo. She sailed on the 08/08/2023.
07/08/2023 The “Dina Polaris” arrived in port from survey site to collect spare parts.
08/08/2023 The “Ocean Endeavour” arrived in port from survey sit for crew change. She sailed on 10/08/2023.