The total number of boxes landed during the week was 6874 from 16 vessels, of which 5449 consigned from 12 vessels. There were 1425 boxes through the market from 4 vessels.
The following vessels berthed during the week:
06/03/2021 The “Hvitanes” arrived in port from Torshavn with fish cargo. She sailed on the same day.
07/03/2021 The “Caledonian Victory” arrived in port from U.K.C.S., to load and unload ore. She sailed on the same day.
08/03/2021 The “Sar Loke” arrived in port from Storasund, to pick up and drop off training dummies. She sailed on the same day.
09/03/2021 The “Vantage” arrived in port from Torshavn with fish cargo. She sailed on the same day.
10/03/2021 The “Aasfjord” arrived in port from Kilroot with salt cargo. She sailed on the 12/03/2021.
11/03/2021 The “Antares” arrived in port from Nigg, with fuel bunkers. She sailed on the 12/03/2021