The total number of boxes landed during the week was 8,804 from 24 vessels, of which 6,064 were consigned from 13 vessels. There were 2,740 boxes through the market from 11 vessels.
The following vessels berthed during the week:
10/10/2015 The tanker “Vadero Highlander” arrived in port from Immingham to discharge oil products. She sailed on Monday.
10/10/2015 The oil supply vessel “Olympic Challenger” arrived in the bay to drop off a crew man. The crew man was collected by the pilot boat Highlanders.
13/10/2015 The “Lomur” (previously named Ruby) to unload her weekly fish cargo. She sailed for Torshaven the next day.
14/10/15 The oil supply vessel “Caledonian Vanguard” berthed on Wednesday to collect a container.
14/10/15 The coaster cargo vessel “Arklow Fern” berthed for fuel on Wednesday.
14/10/15 The cargo vessel “Islay Trader” arrived from Kilroot to discharge road salt. She sailed today.