The total number of boxes landed during the week was 5950 from 26 vessels, of which 3748 consigned from 8 vessels. There were 2202 boxes through the market from 18 vessel.
The following vessels berthed during the week:
14/05/2023 The “Seabourne Ovation” arrived in port from Liverpool, cruise ship. She sailed on the same day.
14/05/2023 The “Dina Polaris” arrived in port from U.K.C.S. berthed for repairs. She sailed on 16/05/2023.
15/05/2023 The “NS Elidah” arrived in port from U.K.C.S. to collect oil related cargo. She sailed on the same day.
16/05/2023 The “Glomar Supporter” arrived in port from Scrabster survey site. She sailed on the same day.
16/05/2023 The “Holmfoss” arrived in port from Torshavn with fish cargo. She sailed on the same day.
17/05/2023 The “Aidasol” arrived in port from Tyne, cruise ship tender visit. She sailed on the same day.
18/05/2023 The “Scot Pioneer” arrived in port from Warren Point, to collect logs. She sailed on the 19/05/2023.