The total number of boxes landed during the week was 8281 from 23 vessels, of which 7645 consigned from 18 vessels. There were 636 boxes through the market from 5 vessel.
The following vessels berthed during the week:
15/02/2025 The “Aurora Cooper” arrived in port from U.K.C.S. with oil related cargo. She sailed on the same day.
17/02/2025 The “Antares” arrived in port from Leith to discharge fuel.
19/02/2025 The Aurora Cooper” arrived in port from Aberdeen crew change, she sailed on the same day.
19/02/2025 The “ Falcon Tide” arrived in port from Peterhead to collect oil related cargo.
20/02/2025 The “Pharos” arrived in port from Scapa flow to collect fuel for helicopter.