The total number of boxes landed during the week were 9749 from 29 vessels, of which 6590 were consigned from 19 vessels. There were 3159 boxes through the market from 10 vessels.
The following vessels berthed during the week:
16/11/2018 The “Pharos” arrived in Port from Stromness to load cargo.
17/11/2018 The “NS Elida” arrived in Port from UKCS to unload oil related cargo.
18/11/2018 The “Antares” arrived in Port from Immingham to bunker fuel.
20/11/2018 The “Blikur” arrived in Port from Runavik with her usual fish cargo.
21/11/2018 The “ Olympic Challenger” arrived in Port from UKCS for stores and a crew change.
21/11/2018 The “Edda Fonn” arrived in Port from UKCS to pick up supplies.
22/11/2018 The “NS Iona” arrived in port from UKCS to unload /load Ore.
23/11/2018 The “ NS Elida” arrived in Port from UKCS to unload/load oil related cargo.