The total number of boxes landed during the week was 7273 from 21 vessels, of which 6393 consigned from 17 vessels. There were 880 boxes through the market from 4 vessel.
The following vessels berthed during the week:
18/11/2022 The “|North Promise” arrived in port from Peterhead, she is in for repairs.
19/11/2022 The “Highland Prince” arrived in port from Aberdeen, to collect oil related cargo. She sailed on the same day.
19/11/2022 The “Normand Skipper” arrived in port from Peterhead, for water and to collect oil related cargo. She sailed on the same day.
19/11/2022 The “Songa Discoverer” arrived in port from Peterhead to collect oil related cargo. She sailed on the same day.
19/11/2022 The “Holmfoss” arrived in port from Torshavn with fish cargo. She sailed on the same day.
20/11/2022 The “Normand Serenade” arrived in port from Peterhead, to collect oil related cargo. She sailed on the same day.
21/11/2022 The “Iveoli Black” arrived in port from Ullapool for fuel bunkers. She sailed on the 22/11/2022.
22/11/2022 The “Heimdal R” arrived in port from Noss Head, to collect stone.
22/11/2022 The “Antares” arrived in port from Immingham, for fuel bankers. She sailed on the 23/11/2022.
22/11/2022 The “Holmfoss” arrived in port from Torshavn, with fish cargo. She sailed on the same day.
23/11/2022 The “Acta Orion” arrived in port from Vlisslngen” for fuel and crew change. She sailed on 24/11/2022.
25/11/2022 The “Solvik Supplier” arrived in port from Aberdeen, load ore.