The total number of boxes landed during the week was 2,576 from 10 vessels, of which 1,509 consigned from 6 vessels. There were 1,067 boxes through the market from 4 vessels.
The following vessels berthed during the week:
21/04/2024 Scot Mariner berthed to load logs from the Ola Pier – left on 22/04
21/04/2024 Tanker Antares berthed to discharge fuel cargo – sailed the next day
22/04/2024 Survey Vessel Scotia arrived for a crew change – sailed the next day
22/04/2024 Coastguard vessel Ievoli Black berthed for a crew change
23/04/2024 The first Cruise Ship of the 2024 season Aidasol berthed on Tuesday 23rd. She had 1,200 passengers on board. She sailed on the evening of the 23rd.
24/04/2024 Polfoss made its normal weekly arrival with Fish Cargo
26/04/2024 Thuw Britain arrived with fuel for the depot
26/04/2024 Seafast Don came from Stromness to drop off survey gear/demob
Vessels expected over weekend:
Marsali (Fish Farm Boat)
Scot Navigator (Load Logs)