The total number of boxes landed during the week was 4664 from 22 vessels, of which 1578 consigned from 10 vessels. There were 3086 boxes through the market from 12 vessel.
The following vessels berthed during the week:
22/04/2023 The “Glomar Supporter” arrived in port from survey site at Scrabster. She sailed on the 26/004/2023.
22/04/2023 The “Scott Navigator” arrived in port from Inverness to load timber. She sailed on 24/04/2023.
23/04/2023 The “ Solvik Supplier” arrived in port from U.K.C.S. to unload oil related cargo.
24/04/2023 The “Atlantic Supplier” arrived in port from U.K.C.S. to load oil related cargo. She sailed on the same day.
24/04/2023 The “Aurora Sandefjord” arrived in port from U.K.C.S. for crew change. She sailed on the 25/04/2023.
25/04/2023 The “Eurica” arrived in port from Inverness to load logs. She sailed on the same day.
26/04/2023 The “Aurora Venture” arrived in port from Lerwick to pick up Peroxide tanks. She sailed on 27/04/2023.
26/04/2023 The “Northern Viking” arrived in port from Locheribol to unload salmon. She sailed on 27/04/2023.