The total number of boxes landed during the week was 2033 from 8 vessels, of which 1663 consigned from 6 vessels. There were 370 boxes through the market from 2 vessels.
The following vessels berthed during the week:
22/08/2020 The “Hvitanes” arrived in port from Torshavn, to discharge fish cargo. She sailed same day.
23/08/2020 The “Normand Subsea” arrived in port from UKCS, Westcoast, oil related. She sailed on the same day.
24/08/2020 The “CEG Orbit” arrived in port from Inverness to collect timber. She sailed the same.
25/08/2020 The “Vantage” arrived in port from Torshavn, with fish cargo. She sailed the same day.
27/08/2020 The “Forth Trojan” arrived in port from Burntisland to deliver piling barge. She sailed on the 28/08/2020.
27/08/2020 “Sir John Murray” arrived in port from Dunstaffnage, to carry out research work. She sailed on 28/08/2020.
26/08/2020 The “CEG Galaxy” arrived in port from Wicklow, to collect timber. She sailed the same day.