The total number of boxes landed during the week were 6,976 from 20 vessels, of which 4,604 were consigned from 12 vessels. There were 2,372 boxes through the market from 8 vessels.
The following vessels also berthed during the week:
27/02/2018 The “Far Sapphire” arrived in Port from Kleppesto to pick up oil related cargo.
27/02/2018 The “Aasnes” arrived in Port from Stornoway to unload road salt.
27/02/2018 The “Blikur” arrived in Port from Tvoroyri to load/unload her usual fish cargo.
28/02/2018 The “Stril Explorer” arrived in Port from survey grounds to pick up supplies.
01/03/2018 The “Pacific Duchess” arrived in Port from Montrose to pick up Anchor Chain and supplies.
01/03/2018 The “Stril Explorer” arrived in Port from survey grounds to crew change.